Analyse compiled asset size in Rails

- Name
- Dennis Paagman
- @djfpaagman
Recently I had to do some research into the size of the assets Rails generates. This can be a bit hard to see from your browser, so I wrote a small Rake task to analyse the actual files generated by Rails.
First create a new Rake task in lib/tasks/assets.rake
include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
namespace :assets do
task analyse: :environment do
filename = Dir.glob("public/assets/.*sprockets-manifest*.json").first
manifest =, filename)
manifest.files.values.each do |file|
puts "#{file["logical_path"]}: #{number_to_human_size(file['size'])}"
Then clean any existing assets, compile new ones and run the new analyse
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails assets:clobber assets:precompile assets:analyse
This will output something like this for each asset file:
- application.css: 25 KB